I recently read an article by Bienfait Regis Ntakabanyura, of BURUNDI (a county in East Africa) in the CEF Impact Magazine. The story was about 11 year old Gaby and 9 year old Lenitha. Both children are from Africa and joined the Good News Club at their school. They heard the Gospel and responded in faith to receive Jesus Christ for salvation.
When Gaby learned through the missionary story that he could become a missionary too, he said; "I'll be a missionary." He has been asking for prayer each week at club for God to help him be a full-time missionary one day.
Lenitha has been sharing the Good News of Jesus with the other children at her school using the colors of the Wordless Book wristband. She went to her school director and asked if she could be allowed to take just 10 minutes of her break to go to the preschool and share with them the Word of God. Her school director was amazed and give her permission.
God is moving in power to reach children with the Good News across the globe!
In the USA there are Good News Clubs in every state.
In Southern Illinois there are twenty Good News Bible Clubs meeting after-school at a local elementary school reaching over 500 children and growing. There are currenly120 volunteers going to teach children from God's Word at Good News Clubs in the SIL Chapter. Children hear the Gospel each week and many are responding in faith to put their trust and hope in Jesus. Children are growing in their walk with the LORD and sharing the Good News with their family and friends.
The Good News Club always shares a foundational lesson series at the start of each new club year. This year we started with a six week set of lessons called; The Wordless Book Visualized and the mission story of Madugu - a true mission story from Nigeria.
In the story Madugu hears the Gospel shared by a missionary who used the wordless book colors to point the children to Scriptures from God's Word. The colors of the wordless book gives children a clear visual and a way to remember the Bible verses.
God the Holy Spirit drew Madugu's heart to responds in faith to the truth of the Gospel. He when goes back to his village to share the Good News of Jesus with his brothers.
It is the life changing message of the Gospel that inspires people to participate in this mission. The volunteers, the host churches, parents who fill out the registration form their child to come to club, and the children who attend club.
Good News Bible Clubs are sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) and hosted and conducted by local Bible-believing churches and community volunteers in partnership with CEF.
The next generation is worth the time and effort it takes to become a volunteer! GOD CAN USE YOU TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
The Fall 2024 Good News Training is scheduled for September 20th and 21st.