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Upright In An Upside Down World.

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

CEF summer missionary Will Martin starts off 5-Day Clubs with.... the opening prayer and the club's Up Rules. This year CEF has added the Pledge of Allegiance to our club day..

Teaching children to be upright is important especially as we see culture becoming more and more tolerant of disrespectful behavior towards authority, one another, and patriotism.

Ultimately, all disrespect is toward God...our Great and Loving Creator.

The Up Rules at club not only help keep some order to the club, they serve as a helpful ways we can teach children to show respect for others.

Sit Up, Look Up, Listen Up, Hand Up, Zip Up... while others are speaking. The children have added a few of their own Up Rules during Good News Clubs that meet during the school year. Up Rules that the children have added are Smile Up, Praise Up, and Never Give Up.

When my son was a little guy there was a popular children's clothing line called NO RULES. We did not purchase any of the clothing. The clothing had disrespectful messages and slogans. In my motherly opinion the not so "cute little" sassy images undermined the core principles we sought to teach our children. However, somewhat concealed or subtle the messaging, the name of the clothing line alone gave way the agenda.


If there are no rules, there is no order, and if there is no order, there is no respect for authority or anyone for that matter even ones self.

There are rules in life and nature. There are rules that govern all aspects of life and learning.

Proverbs 14:12 says; There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

Could you imagine a world where every person made up their own rules? Would it be a place of chaos? The very definition of chaos is; the formless matter that existed before the creation of the universe.

Our great and loving Creator is a God of order.

(Genesis chapter 1.)

God loves the children and He has a great plan for each one of them.

God laid forth and accomplished the beautiful plan of redemption when He willingly went to the Cross, died a bloody death, was buried, rose again on the third day, was seen by many, ascended back into Heaven, and is seated interceding for us.

HE will return one day but, until that day will you help us reach the children in Southern Illinois with the Good News of Jesus and His great love for them.

You can help us by making a donation to the summer ministry. Will and Trenton have 12 clubs to teach during June and July. Please keep them and the children who will attend a 5-Day Club in your prayers.

To make a donation to the CEF Southern Illinois Chapter you may mail a check to:

CEF Southern Illinois

P.O. Box 403

Carbondale, IL. 62903


In Christ,


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