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God Heard Her Heart!

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

At Good News Club children can fill out a prayer request slip that we place in the "GOD CAN". (This can with a lid just holds their prayer requests slips and the prayer team takes special care to read and pray for each child's prayer request all week.) GOD CAN AND DOES ANSWER PRAYER.

Club had ended and most of the children had already been picked up. One little girl was still waiting for her guardian to get there....the GNC volunteers were busy cleaning the room then the little girl ran over to me... I will call her Alison.

Alison run over to me and said..."where's that GOD CAN I got something to say!"

I dug into the tote of supplies that were already packed away and give her a prayer slip, a pencil, and the GOD CAN. Moments later Alison handed me the CAN, the pencil, and a blank prayer slip. I asked her "did you write down your prayer request? She said, "NO! I spoke it."

Her ride arrived to pick her up and I said..."OK, see you next week!"

The GNC Team and the Prayer Team of the host church begin to pray for Alison's prayer request, knowing that God heard her and HE cared!

Alison was in foster care and had been for most of the 8 years of her life. I believe that in her 8 year old way of thinking, she wanted to know that God was real and that HE was the only one that would know her prayer request. Alison did not want to take any chances that someone from the GNC Team would try to fulfil her request. (If that was even possible.)

A few weeks later at club... the children were gathered at the table after snack time to filling out prayer slips. I am so glad and blessed that God allowed me to see what happened next!

Alison was reaching across the table to get ahold of the GOD CAN... she grabbed it, cracked the lid open just a bit and said in a quiet little voice..."thank you." I do not know what Alison asked of the LORD, but without a doubt I know that HE heard her hearts cry and HE was growing her trust in HIM as a good Father that would listen to her and care about her need.

Alison received Jesus as her personal Savior during Good News Club the next school year. She continued to come to club. What a joy to see her grow in her faith and understanding of who God is.

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