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Kids Pray. Just Ask!

In 2018 a new Good News Club had just started meeting after school at a local Grade School. 60 kids signed up! The GNC Team broke club into two groups of 30 meeting in rooms across the hall.

I was blessed to be visiting club that day in the room with thirty 3rd-5th graders. The GNC volunteer (main teacher) ask the kids, "who would like to open club today by saying the prayer?" A boy in the front raised his hand.

All eyes closed and heads bowed we waited but,...not a sound.

The loving teacher encouraged the boy... "you know, praying is talking to God and you can do that can ask God to bless our time at club today and thank Him for the beautiful day."

The boy was clutching a blue paperback Bible in his hand. He had been given the Bible at club a few weeks earlier. I'm so blessed to be an eye witness to what this shy 4th grader boy did next.

He stood up, opened his Bible and said; "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, and who ever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. Amen!

What an awesome and powerful Word declaration over club that day! The Word of God is ALL POWER!

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

I was humbled by the boys action to pray God's Word. I received the lesson that the child taught me that day.

When we are at a loss for words. Speak the Word! Pray God's Word! Give everyone the Powerful Word of Hope laid out in God's Word!

After club the GNC team volunteers said that the 4th grade boy loved his Bible and carried it with him in his backpack daily. The GNC team had tabbed each Bible with colorful tabs, marking key verses for the the kids at club. John 3:16 was just one of the verses tab in his Bible.

I received a phone call from the team leader about 2 months later... "the precious 4th grader that prayed that day had made a first time profession of faith in Christ and was bringing his mom and dad to church to be encouraged by God's Powerful Word too.



To learn more about how your church or small group can start a Good News Club for kids visit:

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