No Glitter. No Glue.
Updated: Feb 13, 2021
I remember going to Vacation Bible School (VBS) as a kid. I went to every VBS that was happening where I lived in a little village of 1600 people in Southern Illinois. We had 4 churches in my village and I made my rounds to all of them all summer long.
Some taught ya more than others but, none shared the Gospel with me.
I have often wondered why.
Why did the leaders of the VBS spend SO much time and money on crafts, puppets, games, scavenger hunts, and programing... when they were sitting on the BEST news ever! And had a captive audience to share with a kid like me who longed to know GOD.
I believe that every person (every kid) longs to know who GOD is.
What is HE really like?
Can HE really be trusted?
Is HE a good Father?
Did HE really die for MY sins?
Does HE really love me even though I do not measure up?
Is the Bible true?
Well, the Good News is YES to all of the above!
Good News Club is a great place for children to be introduced to the loving Savior, grow in their faith, express their fears and joys, make lasting friendships, and be encouraged that God loves them and has a great plan for their life.
CEF materials are high quality, biblically sound and Christ centered. Designed with interactive elements to keep a kids attention while truth of God's Word impacts their hearts. Unsaved children hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and are invited to receive Him as Savior. Saved children are challenged to grow in their faith in specific ways in each lesson.